Application for calculate how long you are in office.
Second feature is auto connect to wifi.
How much time do you spend in your office?
This application calculates it automatically by days and weeks.
app keeps track of a list of available networks, wi-fi and analyzes them time, it hardly consumes the phone battery.
Run applications, create a desired location, such as Office, selects a list of office wi-fi networks and all, the program considers how much time you spend in the office.
Application auto connect to selected wifi networks, if you always connect to one wifi network, but if second network is accessed you need to auto reconnect to it - you can create office with this second network and set "auto connect" - you allway will be reconnect to second network
Aplikasi untuk menghitung berapa lama Anda berada di kantor.
Fitur kedua adalah auto terhubung ke wifi.
Berapa banyak waktu yang Anda habiskan di kantor Anda?
Aplikasi ini menghitung secara otomatis oleh hari dan minggu.
aplikasi melacak daftar jaringan yang tersedia, wi-fi dan analisis mereka waktu, hal ini hampir tidak mengkonsumsi baterai ponsel.
aplikasi berjalan, membuat lokasi yang diinginkan, seperti Office, memilih daftar kantor jaringan wi-fi dan semua, program ini menganggap berapa banyak waktu yang Anda habiskan di kantor.
Aplikasi auto terhubung ke jaringan wifi yang dipilih, jika Anda selalu terhubung ke satu jaringan wifi, tetapi jika jaringan kedua diakses Anda perlu auto menyambung kembali untuk itu - Anda dapat membuat kantor dengan jaringan kedua ini dan menetapkan "auto connect" - Anda Allway akan kembali ke jaringan kedua
Application for calculate how long you are in office.
Second feature is auto connect to wifi.
How much time do you spend in your office?
This application calculates it automatically by days and weeks.
app keeps track of a list of available networks, wi-fi and analyzes them time, it hardly consumes the phone battery.
Run applications, create a desired location, such as Office, selects a list of office wi-fi networks and all, the program considers how much time you spend in the office.
Application auto connect to selected wifi networks, if you always connect to one wifi network, but if second network is accessed you need to auto reconnect to it - you can create office with this second network and set "auto connect" - you allway will be reconnect to second network